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Payday Loans

$50 to $5,000 paid out today!

Fast 3 to 36 month online loans.


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Get your cash in 60 minutes once accepted*


We don’t credit check or charge any fees†

Getting a Payday Loans Without a Credit Check

Does instant approval occur in payday loans? Will lenders approve your payday loan application if you have a bad credit record? Some people think that lenders of payday loans do not ask or check their credit records. Or that within an hour of applying, lenders can approve and access this type of loan. If your thinking is in this direction, ask questions to understand if lenders offering such loans are trustworthy and legitimate. You have all the reasons to doubt if a lender promises and offers you instant approval of payday loans. 

To have your payday loan processed and accepted in the shortest possible time, get help from MyLenders.

Disclaimer: At MyLenders, we do not guarantee that the lender will not collect your credit record and check. The lender will decide if your payday loan needs a credit check or not to access the borrower’s application. The lender has control over the lender’s assessment procedures and loan processing and not MyLenders.

Is it Possible to Get Payday Loan on an Instant Approval?

There are two things you should know when applying for a payday loan.

  • Will there be instant approval by the lenders?
  • Will the lenders check my credit record?

Let begin with explaining what payday loans are. A payday loan allows borrowers to have access and apply for a cash loan of $2,000. This loan size is good because it has a short repayment term. A maximum of 12 months and a minimum of 16 days is the usual repayment terms.

The borrower and the lender usually agree on the mode of direct payment mode. In some cases, the lender may arrange with the borrower’s employer to deduct from the borrower’s salary the repayment amount. 

Have you heard of a type of loan that does not require assessment or scrutiny of the borrower’s credit records is called a no credit check loan? By checking the borrower’s credit records, the lender will determine if the loan application deserves approval.

But can any lender give instant approval on a loan application? The instant means approving within just a few minutes after a borrow finishes applying. Be careful with loans that lenders instantly approve. They usually come from lenders with a questionable reputation. 

Payday Loans

Need a loan today? Apply online!

Payday Loans: A Little History

It wasn’t until some 20 years ago when short term and small online loans began to make their way in the banking industry. But during the early 2000s and the late 90s, creditors and lenders tried to cut down on the short term loans. This resulted in the emergence of a new market for small amount personal loans otherwise known as payday loans.

This new market caused the lending industry to boom. In the 10 years from 2004 – 2014, the demand for payday loans increased twenty times. In fact, in 2012, over 1 million Aussies have availed of the small personal loans. This corresponded to estimated fees and interests valued up to a total of $1 billion, charged from 2012.

What led to the unprecedented increase in the number of consumers looking for short term loans? According to experts, some of the reasons include:

  • It improves the income situation
  • Full-time labour market reduction
  • The inability of low-income customers to access loan from traditional credit providers
  • Increase in the demand for online lending

Payday Loans, get the down low.

Payday loans can be an excellent solution for people in financial stress, but they come at the cost of higher interest rates and more extended repayment periods. 

Pay off your loan quickly to avoid these problems.

What to look out for?

Payday loans can be helpful when you need quick cash to pay for unexpected bills or expenses. But they are amongst the most expensive forms of credit. They shouldn’t serve as a long-term financial fix, especially if it puts your budget under strain because late fees and interest charges on these types of loans often build up quickly, leading one towards even more stress.

If I cannot repay, What happens?

If you default on your loan, the company will charge a fee and list that as an established negative mark your records. If they are trying to collect from someone who owes them money but has gone missing or cannot be contacted, then they may even come up with legal action against those individuals.

Payday in advance

Have you been approved for a loan but can’t find the right lender? Let us help! We are an Australia-wide payday loans service that works with over 15+ lenders to ensure we have your best interest at heart. You’ll get personalized attention from our team and quick results, so apply now before it’s too late.

Negative Impact of Payday Loans

Despite the increasing popularity of payday loans among consumers, payday loans have been received with some negativity. That’s even with all the advertisements on the TV and the internet.

People who look for lenders that offer payday loans are often in a dire financial situation and need a quick solution. And most of these people that want to borrow are most likely to have a bad credit record. They tend to think that payday loans may be their only option.

People are critical of the lenders offering quick cash loans because of:

  • Exceedingly high Interest rates
  • Undisclosed fees
  • Inflexible terms of repayment
  • Accepting financially struggling customers that know little about loans and finances

As a result, people who have used payday loans as a way to solve their financial woes got into deeper debt problems.

The Other Side of Payday Loans

Payday loans without a credit check may have been criticised by many people. But some people find these loans valuable for some purposes in the lending market.

The fact is, not many Aussies can have access to many loan products from mainstream credit providers because of their financial and personal circumstances. This market of Aussies struggling financially is who payday lenders cater for.

According to some studies, about 60% of people on payday loans have a bad credit record.

Hence, while some people are critical of payday lenders, to other borrowers, payday loans with no credit check are their available quick-fix options when traditional lenders are not so accommodating.

What’s Wrong with Guaranteed Approval?

While you might think that a payday loan with guaranteed approval will save your day, think again.

Borrowers are naturally tempted by lenders that offer this type of loan but a word of caution – these lenders are not checking if your financial circumstances are suitable for the loan product. This means that these lenders violate their lending obligations under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act of 2009.

This Australian law protects the interests of the borrowers and against falling for unsuitable loan products. Lenders are prevented from making available various loan products with guaranteed approval which the borrowers can reasonably afford.

Lenders are, therefore, required to do the following according to this law:

  1.  Scrutinize the borrower’s current financial standing and including what they need and what they need the loan for
  2.  Verify the borrower’s financial circumstances by taking reasonable steps
  3.  Conduct a preliminary and final assessment to determine if the loan contract is suitable for the borrower. So for any lender to openly offer loan products with guaranteed approval, it’s likely that they did not bother to take any of the required steps to comply with the law. Hence, you must keep in mind that all lenders are required to do some form of assessment on your loan applications. If you want to know more about this, you can download the regulatory guide through the ASIC’s website.

Are You on Centrelink Benefits?

If you are receiving benefits from the government through Centrelink, you might also need a loan especially if an unforeseen financial need arises.

Given that you are on Centrelink benefits and probably have bad credit, you might think that a payday loan that does not require a credit check is your only available option to get that badly needed cash.

The truth is, there are other loan products you can avail of if you happen to be a Centrelink recipient.

Advance Payment of Centrelink Payment

This is one of the options you can utilise if you are receiving Centrelink benefits. You may be eligible for an Advance Payment if you are a recipient of some Centrelink benefits like age pension, disability support pension, jobseeker payment, youth allowance, to name a few.

As a Centrelink beneficiary, you may apply for an Advance Payment which is a lump sum of your future Centrelink payments claimed in advance. You can repay the Advance Payment without any interest, deducted from your future Centrelink benefits, spread over 13 bi-weekly installments.

To find out if you are eligible to avail of an Advance Payment from Centrelink, check via the Department of Human Services.

Once you have determined that you qualify for an Advance Payment, you can easily apply online by following these simple steps:

  1. Go to the website of myGov. Create an account or sign in if you already have an account. Then go to Centrelink.
  2. Select the tab Apply for Advance Payment
  3. Centrelink will inform you if you qualify or not. If you qualify, click Get Started
  4. Follow the prompts on the screen and provide the information asked to complete the application process.
  5. Click Submit

You will get a receipt after you have submitted your application

Heard About NILS?

NILS or No Interest Loan Scheme provides individual customers and families receiving a low salary, access to fair and suitable credit.

There are 178 Australian community organizations in 600 locations that offer NILS, making it very accessible to many Aussies.

The best thing about NILS is that there is no interest, no fees, and no other charges. You will only be required to return the money you borrowed, which will in turn be made available for someone else in the community who might need the cash.

Where Can You Use NILS?

You can use NILS to cover payment for essential goods and services like:

  • Household items – fridge, washing machine, stove, TV, and furniture
  • Expenses for medical and dental procedures and services
  • School essentials such as textbooks and computers
  • Vehicle registration or repairs
  • Other items as requested

Who Can Avail of NILS?

To qualify for NILS, you must:

  • Have an annual earnings of less than $45,000 (after tax) or
  • Have a health care card or
  • Have a pension card
  • Have resided at your current or previous address for a minimum of 3 months
  • Show your capability to repay the loan

Remember, it is better to check if you qualify for NILS before looking for other expensive credit options.

To find your nearest NILS service provider, click here.

Payday Loans Bad Credit

Other Loan Alternatives to Payday Loans

Yes, there are other loan alternatives to convenient payday loans with no credit check.

How about considering an online personal loan?

Lenders of personal loans offer bigger loans and more flexible repayment terms. But finding the right lender offering personal loans may be challenging because there are so many of them.

What if there’s an easy and quick way to find a lender instead of sifting through hundreds of personal loan lenders?

Time to Contact MyLenders

MyLenders is a lender finder service provider, ready to help you find your perfect personal loan lender.

MyLenders is an Aussie company for Aussie customers. It is the company’s mission to provide every financially struggling Australian with easy and convenient access to reliable and trustworthy lenders. We have a vast network of lenders and we can pair you up with a lender offering a personal loan with flexible repayment terms. And aside from being free, we can also do it within minutes.

So if you need quick cash, you may want MyLenders to find a lender that offers a personal loan from $300 to $10,000.

Easy Loan with Bad Credit?

Is there an easy loan for borrowers with bad credit records?

It’s hard to say because everyone has a different personal and financial circumstance. And it will be difficult to declare which type of loan is the easiest to obtain even with a bad credit record.

MyLenders can help with finding you a lender that offers a personal loan in a rather easy way.

Aside from having an online application form for borrowers to complete, our automated system can quickly give a result within minutes. If we succeed in pairing you up with the right lender, you will be contacted in the shortest time possible.

What can be easier than that?

Loans With No Credit Checks?

While MyLenders can find you a lender that offers your loan product, keep in mind that we will not guarantee to get you a small online loan without a credit check.

It is up to the lender to conduct their assessment of your financial and personal circumstances. It is also the lender that will determine your suitability to the loan product.

Be assured though that the lenders in our vast network will not only look at your credit score. The assessment process will consider other things like income, Centrelink benefits, bank statements, etc.

MyLenders is given access to the read-only copies of your bank statements through the online bank details you have provided in the course of completing the loan application. The lender we pair you up with will have access to the bank statements and this will help them determine if they can consider your application for approval.

For example, if your bank statements showed that you have been receiving income regularly for the last 3 months, or if you have consistently fulfilled any financial obligations, the lender may give their approval on your loan application.

Can You Get Quick Cash If You Have Bad Credit?

Consider yourself lucky because of MyLenders’ streamlined lender-finder service, designed to find you a lender offering quick cash in minutes.

Our automated lender-finder system will quickly scan through hundreds of loan products and find the one that suits your financial needs. Once our system successfully finds a lender to pair you up with, we will notify you right away.

This means the lender will reach out to you directly. Your loan application will go through the lender’s assessment process which may or may not include the checking of your bad credit record, and financial standing.

If the lender determines that you are creditworthy, they will send you a digital loan contract for you to read and sign.

Funds will appear in your bank account as soon as your loan contract is approved. However, note that the timing will be dependent on when you apply (if within regular business hours) and the inter-bank transfer schedules.

You might get your cash within the same day or the next business day, at the latest.

Another reminder – if you find the loan repayment terms acceptable, you need to approve your loan contract as this will somehow show that you agree to the repayment terms, charges, interest rate, etc.

Can MyLenders Help You?

Sure we can!
Consider using MyLender’s lender-finder service if you want to access a payday loan with no credit check.

MyLenders will not connect you with a lender that offers a payday loan with high interest rates and non-flexible repayment terms. Instead, our system will find you a lender that offers a personal loan instead.

Worried that your bad credit record will diminish your chances of getting your loan approved? Don’t be. MyLenders will strive to match you with a lender that offers a personal loan even if you have a bad credit record.

Note: The lender will determine the actual repayment terms based on the results of their assessment process.

One thing you must remember – small personal loans are often unsecured. This means you can access this loan product without needing to have your asset as loan security.

Medium and large personal loans, on the other hand, are secured. This means you need to have an asset like a car, caravan, boat, or motorbike as security for your loan. You must note that if using a car as loan security, you should be the registered owner of the vehicle.

Your Choice: MyLenders’ Lender-Finder Service or Payday Loans with No Credit Check

Who wouldn’t avail of a lender-finder service that provides quick results in minutes? If you are a borrower, would you want to end up with a lender that is not trustworthy and that is of dubious reputation?
This is the main reason why many Aussies have used the lender-finder service of MyLenders.

Borrowers with no current job can come to MyLenders for help in finding a lender offering a loan product that is suitable to your financial need and situation.

Why do Aussies prefer MyLenders over traditional credit providers? The primary reasons are found below:

Quick and Easy

Of course it is. If you time the submission of your loan application within the regular business hours, we can likely find your lender in just a matter of minutes.

Reputable Lenders in MyLenders Network

Looking for a reliable and trusted lender? Problem solved! We have a vast network of legitimate lenders that offer loan products that may be suitable for your loan needs. And for sure, MyLenders will not pair you up with a lender that offers any loan product with no credit check or with guaranteed approval.

We Provide Better Alternatives

What more can you ask for if MyLenders has a network of lenders offering loans from as low as $300 to as high as $10,000?

You can select the loan product that is suitable for your financial needs. Also, MyLenders work with reputable lenders providing personal loans, both secured or unsecured.

Hence, regardless of your financial situation, MyLenders will help you all the way!

Free of Charge

Using MyLenders’ lender-finder service will not cost you anything, regardless if the application is successful or not.


Paired with the right lender, you can enjoy the flexibility of where to use your personal loan. You can use it to cover:

  • Lease bonds
  • Travel or holiday expenses
  • School expenses
  • Vehicle repairs or registration

What are You Waiting For? Meet Your Lender!

Are you on MyLenders’ website? Check the loan slider and provide the numbers so we can get your application process started.

You may also click on our FAQs if you have questions or need additional information.

Connect with MyLenders via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. (Credit Representative Number - 535991) which is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Marketplace Finance Pty Ltd (Credit Representative Number: 487316).  

MyLenders is not a lender and does not make credit decisions. MyLenders matches customer applications with lenders in our network based on the information provided, in exchange for a commission paid by the lender for advertising services provided. There is no guarantee that you will be accepted by a lender or that you will be offered terms suitable for your financial needs. Not all lenders will be able to provide amounts up to $5000. The time required to process and transfer the loan varies by the lender. This website does not directly endorse any particular product or service. Any information on this site should serve as opinion only. As a condition of extending credit, some lenders you may be matched with may run a credit check from a credit reference agency. Late or missed payments may be subject to increased fees and/or interest rates.

1. Subject to application being approved by the lender. Not all lenders are able to provide up to $5000

2. Subject to lenders requirements and approval. The time that it takes for the cash to be received in your account will depend on your bank’s policies and procedures. 

Consumer Advisory: MyLenders is a loan matching service. This site will submit the information you provide to a direct lender. Upon loan approval, a direct lender may require further information from you which will be collected after we transfer you to their website or they may contact you via phone or email.

All applications will be subject to credit checks and affordability assessments in line with responsible lending. Loan terms, conditions and policies vary by lender and applicant qualifications. Late or missed loan payments may be subject to increased fees and interest rates. Not all lending partners offer up to $5,000 loans, and not all applicants will be approved for their requested loan amounts. Loan repayment periods vary by lender also. Lenders may use collection services for non-payment of loans.

Not all borrowers will qualify for a loan, the operator of this website does not engage in any direct consumer lending, we simply provide a FREE loan matching service to the public. To operate this service we receive a commission from the lender we refer you to.

Auto Decisioning allows lenders to make a decision on your loan application without the need for human interaction, for more information please contact your lender or see their privacy policy.