Defaults Loans
If you have defaulted on a payday loan before, it might make it more challenging to secure a loan. A default reflected on your credit records is usually seen by traditional lenders as a red flag, regardless of whether it is unpaid or paid. Your borrowing behaviour in the past will be judged by lenders to assess how much of a risk you are as a borrower if they will decide to offer you financing. Defaulting on a past loan is certainly not going to do you any favours.
At SamedayLend, we are more than happy to assess your loan application through other merits other than just your credit history. The financial decisions you made in the past should not necessarily mean that you are still in the same circumstances now. This is why we offer borrowers the chance to get access to loans with default to address any financial need that they may be dealing with at present.
Loans with defaults high approval rate
As a lender finder, we help borrowers get partnered with lenders who are willing to look beyond their credit score. Unlike traditional lenders who are most likely to reject your financing application due to a blemish on your credit records, our lender partners will focus their attention on your current financial standing. If they can see that you are earning enough to pay for the loans with default you are interested in, you will certainly have a good shot at approval and access to our loan products
Stress-free application
Our application process is done online which makes it possible for you to apply any time you want and anywhere you are in the country. We have simplified our application so completing it should not take more than 10 minutes. You can just use any device that will let you connect to the internet to start the application process.
Fast loan assessment and approval
Once your application has been submitted, our loan specialists will get to work. They will review the details you have shared with us so we can get you connected with the most appropriate lender for your financing needs. Most lenders can take up to 60 minutes to complete the assessment. However, this may take longer if they will need additional documents from you. Once approved, you should get your funds soon after. How fast the funds will be reflected on your bank account will depend on the processing time of your bank.
Spend your default loan however you want
You have considerable freedom in terms of how you will use your funds, once your same day loan gets approved. It is, after all, a personal loan. Hence, you are more than welcome to use it for whatever expenses you need to cover, be it planned or unplanned. Do you need funds to renovate your home? Are you short on money to pay for a new vehicle? Worried about an emergency medical bill that needs to be settled as soon as possible? Did your car suddenly break down and you need money for repairs? Our personal loans with defaults can be used to pay for that.
Tailored-fit repayment setup
You’re given the freedom to customise the repayment term to suit your preference and your financial capacity. This means having the choice to set the loan for a shorter or longer term. You will also have the option to set the repayments to figures that you should not have a hard time affording, especially considering how much you are currently earning.
While it is true that borrowers with defaults on their credit records will most likely be turned away by banks and regular lenders, not at SamedayLend. Get in touch with us today to learn more about your options.